Businesses and Agencies

Hire Remote Workers with Aspirock

We recognize the challenges of expanding your business globally, particularly when it comes to employing personnel in foreign countries. As a reputable Employer of Record service operating in multiple global jurisdictions, we provide a straightforward solution for international businesses seeking to employ staff without establishing a local entity. Our team of experts manages administrative tasks such as employment contracts, payroll, tax compliance, and more, ensuring your employees or contractors comply with local laws and regulations. While we handle the details, you can concentrate on growing your business.

What is an Employer of Record (EOR)?

An Employer of Record (EOR) serves as the legal employer, taking responsibility for ensuring compliance with employment regulations, including payroll, taxes, statutory benefits, employment contracts, and employment elated matters.

How does an EOR work?

Our EOR service is ideal for:

  • International businesses entering or expanding into new markets.
  • Companies requiring short-term staff.

  • Businesses seeking to avoid the complexity and cost of establishing a local entity.

  • Cross-border M&A carve-out deals where the buyer needs to transfer acquired employees without acquiring the legal entity.

With our Employer of Record service, you can:

  • Save time and money by avoiding the complexities of setting up a local entity.
  • Quickly and easily employ staff in the project location.

  • Ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

  • Focus on growing your business.

Ready to Work With Us

Experience the efficiency and accuracy of our global payroll solutions while ensuring compliance with local regulations. Join our list of satisfied clients and simplify your global payroll operations. Get in touch with us today.